Elder Abuse Day


Elder Abuse Day.

Their world,filled with memories of family,
friends, hardwork, times at play.
Moments which made them proud.
Never thought they'd be abused and neglected,
so open, secretive, yet right out loud.

Atrocities, by those they've had or helped to raise
or of those caring for them, in their final days.
Their rights cast aside, by those who feel,
they're old, they'll be gone soon,
with this attitude they feel justified
in the gross neglect they do.

This is an outrage, it's wrong you know
our family members, others untold,
treated so callously, low and cold.
Someone must answer for abuse to those
who raised generations, suffered hardships ... grew old.
What was their crime? They did nothing to you.
Wanting to live decently, the same as you do.

This must stop within our time, completely, no delay.
For without notice, fanfare or warning,
you'll wear the badge of AGE someday.
Don't be naive, too sure your life is secure
that you won't be let down or even deceived.
I'm quite sure, there was a time in their life,
this thought, our ELDERLY also believed.


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