Good Deeds Day


April is the month of Good Deeds Day which can be celebrated throughout the year :)

We all want to do good - whether it’s for ourselves or our loved ones, the planet, or society at large. No matter how big or small, good deeds carry a double punch - we make a positive impact and we feel great at the same time. Honoring that happy ripple effect around your friends, colleagues, family circles on this  International Good Deeds Day.

How to celebrate :

1.      Take the picture of the deed

2.      Upload the picture with the  Hashtag #GoodDeedsday and #GoodsDeedsChallenge

3.      Nominate 5 of your friends for the next challenge

I was nominated by Amrutha.
Below is the pic of 2 of my support system in my office who volunteer with open heart and big smile. They help me to fill water pots for birds and dogs. Thank you Guys.🙏

I nominate Prarthana,  Vijayalakshmi,  Harshitha, Vishnu, Sameer.


Here are the 46 deeds in my list, you can choose one or make new of your choice.

1.      Place a water bowl in your window, terrace or anywhere for birds and animals.

2.      Thank Traffic police for their hard work during summer, winter, rainy, pollution etc.

3.      Thank your Ola, Uber, auto driver for dropping you safely  to home.

4.      Take your clothes back from the laundry person with a big smile.

5.      Ask how is the life of the roadside vendors.

6.      Wish your security guard with open heart

7.      Make coffee or tea specially for your house maid.

8.      Register to donate your organs after death.

9.      Help a friend in need.

10. Volunteer for an hour at an organization of your choice.

11. Save electricity by unplugging your devices when not in use.

12. Buy a gift for your mother, father, wife. Husband, grandmother, grandfather.

13. Give a vehicle lift to a stranger.

14. Write a thank-you note to someone who won’t expect it.

15. Find unneeded items in your house and donate them to a charitable organization.

16. Plant a tree.

17. Think of something you do well, and use your talent to benefit others - for example performing magic tricks at a children’s hospital or playing music at a nursing home.

18. Teach an elderly person to use a computer to surf the Internet or write e-mails.

19. Organize a family meal and appreciate being together.

20. Collect stuffed animals or toys from family members, friends, and neighbors and donate them to an organization that helps children.

21. Find a piece of winter clothing that you haven’t worn all season, and donate it to a charity.

22. Donate an old cell phone.

23. Be environmentally conscious - use both sides of the paper before throwing it away.

24. Offer to cook or clean for the family of someone who has recently given birth.

25. Add yourself to a bone marrow registry and take part in a bone marrow drive.

26. Pick up trash from the sidewalk.

27. Offer to read to or play games with someone living in a nursing or retirement home.

28. Donate blood.

29. Conserve energy. Turn off the lights if you’re the last person to leave a room.

30. Swallow your pride and apologize for something you’ve done – whether big or small.

31. Take food to a new neighbor.

32. Take part in a literacy program, to help children or adults learn to read.

33. Donate school supplies to children from underprivileged homes.

34. Treat a friend to dinner.

35. Return a phone call you have been putting off.

36. Answer the phone in a cheerful voice.

37. Recycle whatever paper, bottles and plastic items possible.

38. Hold a charity day at work. Encourage your colleagues and supervisors to bring in nonperishable items to be donated to a worthy cause.

39. Turn the tap off when you're shaving, brushing your teeth or scrubbing the dishes – every drop counts.

40. Take public transport instead of driving.

41. Adopt a shelter animal.

42. Make delicious and give it to an older neighbor who doesn't cook for him or herself as much anymore.

43. Ask a loved one about their day.

44. Hold the door open for a stranger.

45. Praise a colleague’s good work.

46. When you’re out buying food, purchase an extra item to donate to a homeless person


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